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Emma Whittard
Jun 21, 20214 min read
Hey Wild Woman - This is Your Call!
This article is at face value, aimed at those in my community who identify as women but in no way is it meant to exclude those who...
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Emma Whittard
Dec 17, 20192 min read
A few words about gratitude. . .
Dear Friends, Thanksgiving is almost upon us! This fact is completely irrelevant to my international readers but gratitude is always a...
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Emma Whittard
Nov 19, 20193 min read
Wild Horses . . . Mind Reading and Magic
Dear Friends, I am writing this letter on the way home from Portland Oregon, where it feels distinctly more seasonal than it does in LA. ...
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Emma Whittard
Sep 24, 20192 min read
Vulnerability & Connection
Dear Friends, Last week I got a brief taste of the John Muir Trail - a 211 mile hike that winds through the Sierra Nevada and some of the...
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Emma Whittard
Jul 25, 20191 min read
Planning for Change
Dear Friends, I can’t believe we are almost at the end of June. Friday was the Summer Solstice, which is associated with fire, passion,...
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Emma Whittard
Jul 25, 20192 min read
Self Care
Dear Friends, I have just returned from a heavenly retreat on the beautiful Oregon coast. Six days of reflection, walks on the beach,...
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Emma Whittard
May 29, 20193 min read
Managing Yourself Through Change - April Newsletter
Dear Friends, This is my first "official newsletter" and Spring seems like exactly the right time to be writing this. The birds are...
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Emma Whittard
Mar 31, 20172 min read
When You Make a Choice, You Change the Future - Deepak Chopra
Have you ever thought of your body like a car? We need it to travel through our lives and what we put in it will directly effect it's...
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Emma Whittard
Feb 3, 20171 min read
The Weak Can Never Forgive. Forgiveness is the Attribute of the Strong. (Gandhi)
From time to time, we all harbor a grudge - whether it's someone at work who is bothering us, a family member or a friend. These...
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Emma Whittard
Jan 27, 20171 min read
You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty!
As we all know, we are about 75 % water. We ARE water. And yet, most of us don't drink nearly enough - I know I don't. A well known...
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Emma Whittard
Jan 24, 20171 min read
Mastering Others Is Strength, Mastering Yourself is True Power - Lao Tzu
I've been reading a lot about mastering thought recently and it is true that we create our own heaven and hell within our own minds. ...
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Emma Whittard
Jan 12, 20171 min read
The January Blues
Coming back to work, or your daily routine after the holidays can be tough. It's easy to feel that life is routine and predictable. It...
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